Females.... ladies... growing young woman... if only you knew... the crazy things I have planned for you- can start with a little phone sex or maybe just straight to some foreplay. Look you in your eyes and tell you how I feel, tell you you're beautiful and I'm going to take you higher. Tender kisses on your lips tongue gliding to your neck. Suck but not too hard enough to let you know that I'm going to take care of you mamii. You never been with a young man like me, experienced, whose only intention is to please you. Lay your body down and help you relax as I plant kisses across your midsection, going down ever so further to a land of sweet desire. Take your panties down and let me see you soak and wet, pussy glistening throbbing for sexual practices. Tongue slowly licks that pink tip and I feel your body start to move uncontrollable spasms and jerks as your back arches up and I grab onto your thighs no baby you aint going no where but right here as I speed it up. Moans, gasps your hands grab for my shoulders and my head moving it around in circles while saying my name softly. Music playing in the background as I lick to the beat some slow licks up and down tongue rollin in circles lookin for that spot, some beats fast as my tongue picks up the pace and an overwhelming feeling of pleasure takes control of your mind. Face it you're sexually excited now and you want me and no one else at this moment but me. No one can do these things to you the way I can. Pussy dripping now and I taste you- something sweet some like peaches sum like strawberries- you feel this feeling coming from your stomach that moves down to the clit and you let out a sharp noise as the orgasm washes over you. That feeling- that feeling of being so high heaven like your mind is clear. Now I move back up sucking on them cute nipples sucking nibbling licking whatchu want me to do girl? you look me in my eyes and I caress ya cheek- you feel something penetrate at first a sweet pain then just sexual pleasure as I slowly stroke that pussy winding at the waist as if I'm dancing as you say oh my... you look down and you see me going in and out. The song changes to a faster beat and I go a lil harder and deeper- you feel it now that feeling in your gut you grab me wrap your arms around me head to my ear and you call me papi and I say te quiero mamii.. move your legs to the side one in the air callin for deeper penetration I kno you feel it you cant believe this is happening right now its just me and you right now at this moment me teasing me pleasing you makin you feel so unreal it must be a dream. roll over to your stomach its time for them back shots how you like it mamii slow strokes or have you screaming in the pillow whatever you like mamii I'll do it. 3 hours since we first entered this room gonna be a couple more before we're finished. One round two rounds three rounds four tell me girl how long can you last - its 3 in the morning bout to turn 12 in the afternoon it alright girl get your rest now and dream....
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